Update My Information
Have you had a change in your information that ACOE needs to know about? Let us know here so that we can keep our records up to date.
Renew Membership
It’s easy to renew your ACOE membership. If you are already a member and need to renew your membership you can do so online now.
Join ACOE Today!
ACOE is dedicated to offering our members the best service and support. We are pleased and excited that you are choosing to join ACOE.
Contact ACOE
If you need to contact ACOE’s Legal Department, get help or information on ACOE’s Optional Benefits, or change your Membership Status.
Member Discounts
A simple way for our members to save from 50% to 100% of their membership dues. Learn about ACOE’s Dues Reimbursement Program.
Earn A FREE Membership
ACOE offers our members an online professional development portal so that our members can earn CEUs at their own pace and leisure.
Get More Involved
If you would like to learn more on becoming involved with ACOE, simply click on the Read More button below to choose the involvement level best for you.
Print Recruiting Material
Trying to EARN A FREE MEMBERSHIP? Click below for excellent recruiting tools to use when sharing with other teachers and support staff about ACOE.
ACOE Spotlight
ACOE is recognizing ACOE members who demonstrate EXCELLENCE in teaching and learning. Refer an ACOE member colleague for this honor.
ACOE Student Teacher
ACOE offers student teachers great protection and benefits at a super low price. Student Teacher membership dues are only $25.00 for a TWELVE MONTH CYCLE.
How to Cancel Other Org.
Visit here for information on how to cancel your AEA or AFT membership. You can print off cancellation forms from here as well.
Quotes from Members
ACOE has thousands of members who are happy that they made the switch. Click on the link to read actual quotes from just a few of them.
“I can’t tell you how proud I am to be associated with a group of Educators who actually do the right thing. My, how refreshing! I appreciate the efforts you have gone to.” (M) Read More Quotes….
Why Join ACOE?
- ACOE membership fees include up to $1 Million Professional Educators LIABILITY INSURANCE and LEGAL ASSISTANCE for covered education-related legal cases
- ACOE SAVES our members about $300 per year on membership fees as our fees are only $210 per year or $17.50 per month
- ACOE believes educators should have a CHOICE in the professional org. to which they belong
- ACOE believes educators should have a CHOICE in the politicians/political parties they may or may not want to support
- ACOE believes educators should have a CHOICE in the charities, agendas, or PACs they may or may not want to support
- Cancel membership in AEA or AFT, CLICK HERE
- If you would like for us to send you a “Join ACOE” reminder email in late summer, CLICK HERE
What Members are Saying About ACOE
* “I really appreciated ACOE’s help last year regarding disputed sick days. With your help the situation was almost immediately resolved!” –Laura W.
* “Thank you for everything ACOE does to keep members taken care of. I know ACOE sure helped me during a trying professional situation!” -Jennie C.
* “I just received my email about voting and the amendments. I want to thank ACOE for not CRAMMING their political views down my throat! I noticed in 2 different places that it says “YOUR OWN” and “YOUR CHOICE”. Praise God!!!! I’m glad there is an organization out there that TRULY understands what FREEDOM means”. -SJ
* “I just want to thank all of you who work so hard for us and DON’T tell us WHO to vote for but give us the information we need to make our own informed decision. I can’t believe there are still soooo many who allow (xxxxx) to treat them like puppets and tell them their every move to make. It just makes me sad. God bless!” -LS
* Thanks for the prompt response and the information you provided! I really do appreciate the fact that ACOE will give its members facts and information needed without telling us how we should or should not vote. I do not regret joining ACOE! -P
* “About 5 years ago I was transferred from a Title 1 job to a teaching job at the same school. I felt it was unjust and asked ACOE for help. I was not alone in my request, another teacher was transferred also. We found out about the transfers in the newspaper. I think that speaks volumes about the leadership. Without hesitation, ACOE sent counsel to our aid to make sure we were not being denied our rights.” – P
Earn a FREE Membership

Every teacher knows a teacher. Now with ACOE’s Refer a Friend program, you can save 50%, 100%, and even earn more money just by simply referring another teacher to ACOE. If they join, you save big.
Member Discounts

As an ACOE member and an Alabama educator, you have access to many discounts that can help save you money. ACOE will be adding even more discounts for our members in the near future.

ACOE has many different ways for you to get involved. If you would like to learn more about becoming involved with ACOE, simply click on the Read More button below to pick the option best for you.
Join Online

If you like what you have seen and heard about ACOE and are ready to join ACOE, or if you are already a member and need to renew or update your membership information, you can do so here.